#Twst Grim
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ladyazurith · 2 days ago
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ventique18 · 3 days ago
In Grim's Blazing Jewel vignette, Grim is so envious that everyone's getting a dashing new outfit. 😭 After the third years tease Grim for a bit, Malleus personally hands Grim and Yuu their own outfits. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 They were prepared with love by the third years + Professor Crewel instead of magicked so they assure the duo that they won't ever disappear.
Dhkskdkdod Grim is so so so happy so Malleus comments on how glad he is that Grim + Yuu love the clothes. He says all that effort to get them done was worth it.
(The idea that Malleus, as a resident of a country of textile and thread, got down to manually sewing clothes just for Grim + Yuu is so precious UGH.)
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But of course the happy moment is broken by Rook casually dropping that their clothes are the perfect fit, even though they never asked the two for their sizes, is because eyeing sizes is his specialty. Grim is creeped out.
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kenchann · 3 days ago
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happy 5th anni twst 💜
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aivy-saur · 2 days ago
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Pretty blue eyed Ramshackle duo‼️‼️
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hibiscuslovecandles · 2 days ago
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Reminded me of this.
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High-res Groovy card for Grim's 5th anniversary
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akalyndraw · 2 days ago
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A flower crown for unca ♡
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mysteryshoptls · 2 days ago
SSR Grim - Blazing Jewel Voice Lines
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I'm shining brighter than any jewel out there, right?
Summon: Leave all the singing and dancing to me! I'm gonna whip everyone into shape!
Groovification: They all need so much looking after. Guess we gotta supervise them all real good!
Home: Time to get with the rhythm!
Home Transition 1: The Heartslabyul guys all smell real good, so it's easy to pinpoint guys from there. Do they smell like roses? No way, they smell like sweets!
Home Transition 2: Octavinelle's underwater, so all the students' gotta know how to swim. I'm a pretty good swimmer, too!
Home Transition 3: There was a scary monster in the classroom! ...Or so I thought, but it turned out to be a model that an Ignihyde student made. Man, they're a buncha kids.
Home Transition - Login: Dum-de-dum-dum ♪ ...Which dorm's song do ya think that was from? I know my little hench-human'd be able to figure that out right quick!
Home Transition - Groovy: I really like music classes! Feels good to sing at the top of my voice. Though... a little bit of fire slips out from time to time...
Home Tap 1: Hey, you ready!? We got invited to one of Scarabia's parties... I'm gonna eat til my stomach bursts!
Home Tap 2: They say that Pomefiore has a basement and that once a student goes down there, they're never seen again... Th-That's not real, right?
Home Tap 3: My arm still hurts... I shouldn'ta joined in on the arm wrestling contest at Savanaclaw! They all were puttin' too much into it!
Home Tap 4: Diasomnia's dorm's completely made with stone, so whenever we go over there, my little footpads get way too cold.
Home Tap 5: Man... You really got no sense of rhythm, huh. 'Kay, time for a special lesson! Try dancin' along to the beat I give you!
Home Tap - Groovy: Once Blazing Jewel's over, we should all party! Let's throw a huge feast at Ramshackle!
Duo: [GRIM]: Watch me go, Headmage! Myaaaah! [CROWLEY]: You seem raring to go, Grim-kun!
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Requested by @farfalla049.
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ashipiko · 22 hours ago
😔 acey gotta keep better track of his cherry pie……
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ghostotosto · 2 days ago
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uluruz3 · 24 hours ago
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my collection of grimmy-kyuns haha what a silly car
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bm-0435 · 3 days ago
What am I without you ?
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Can’t wait for Chapter 8 to come so I could suffer yeah.
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luciferzstar · 2 days ago
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I'm very sane
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cherrygoesiconic · 2 days ago
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✭✭✭ 3rd Anniversary: third years ✭✭✭
bonus Grim!:
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theminiartblog · 1 day ago
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Sebek is so excited for his armor, and for making his grandfather proud... but also this is a dream and Baur will remember none of this, and he can't take the armour with him, and sweet summer child...
You're gonna reminisce with your gramps on your next visit, and he's just gonna stare at you with concern
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akalyndraw · 2 days ago
Training with Vargas can be hard...
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mysteryshoptls · 13 hours ago
SSR Grim - Blazing Jewel Vignette
"We'll cheer the loudest"
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[Sewing Room]
Grim: This is where they're making the outfits for that Blazing Jewel music performance thing, right?
Grim: Crowley said the staff had to go to a meeting, so he's asked us to get everyone's measurements…
Grim: But no one's here, even though it's time for them to show up. They're all late!
???: Urgh… Nnnn…
Grim: Hm? Did you just say something?
1. Nope, nothing. 2. Wasn't that you?
???: Hhhhhhnnnng…!
[Lilia drags Idia in]
Idia: I don't wanna! There's too many people! I wanna go back to my room!
Lilia: You've already come all the way here, steel yourself, already. C'mon everyone, into the room, let's go.
Rook: Why, hello there, Trickster. And you as well, Monsieur Furball. Did we keep you waiting?
Cater: I know they said for all the juniors to come at this time to get measured for the upcoming performance…
Trey: But no matter how long we waited, we couldn't get the full party together. We had to go out searching for the guys who didn't show up.
Malleus: I received no notification of any measurements that were to take place.
Vil: That's just because you didn't see the message sent to your phone.
Leona: Ugh, this is more than a pain… We're here already, so let's get it over with.
Lilia: No need to rush! I know I can't wait to see all our matching outfits. I've been excited ever since I saw the designs drawn out.
Cater: Riiiight~? I bet we'd be a huge hit just standing around ♪ I bet we'd even hit the trending posts on Magicam!
Rook: Aaah, yes… To see every one shine brightly like a jewel under the bright lights… Just imagining it is beauté!
[chatter, chatter]
Grim: Hrrnn…
Grim: Hrrnnnngggh…!
1. What's wrong? 2. Oh, that look means…
Leona: Hey, now. Don't tell me this furball's jealous of us now, right?
Trey: That was surprisingly honest of you. …But actually, we thought you'd say that.
Grim: Huh?
Malleus: Here is a gift from us to both Grim and [Yuu].
Grim: Eh? Huh…Huh!?
1. Awesome! 2. We're matching!
Grim: HEY, YOU GOT CHANGED TOO!! You're second coolest-looking, next to me.
Grim: Hm? Hey, this outfit looks exactly like what they're wearing during the Blazing Jewel thing.
Idia: Wh-When we heard about the performance, it came up… That Grim-shi'd probably be jealous… Heh.
Lilia: So, we ended up deciding to give you two the Blazing Jewel outfits as a gift.
Trey: Crewel-sensei had a hand in making these, so it's not like they're magic that'll fade after a while. Don't worry.
Vil: I'll tell you this; a performance isn't just wearing fancy outfits and standing on a stage. A costume does not make or break anything.
Vil: …Having said that, we did think you deserved an appropriate reward for everything. Plus, it would be troublesome if Grim were to throw a tantrum.
Cater: Both of you look way better than I imagined! So cute~!
Leona: Hah, let's see if their insides match the outsides. You better be just as bright and energetic as the clothes you're wearing.
Grim: Myahaha! I'm so happy to get these cool clothes!
Grim: Isn't this great?
1. Thank you so much! 2. I can't wait for the performance!
Malleus: Yes, of course. I am elated you are pleased with this, more than anything. It means it was worth our preparation.
Grim: …Now that I think of it, how'd you get the right sizes for us? I don't remember getting measured, but it fits perfectly.
Rook: Oh, yes! I provided them both of your measurements down to the first decimal. No need to fret.
Grim: H-How'd you know that!? That's creepy…!
Everyone: Hahahah.
Idia: …Eh? If that's all that was needed to be done, I didn't need to come here, right!?
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[Sewing Room]
Grim: La-dee-dum~
1. You're in a good mood.
Grim: Myahaha! It's awesome that we get to wear these awesome clothes.
2. La-la-dee~
Grim: Myaha! Looks like you're just as happy to be wearing these awesome clothes.
Grim: I wanna show these off to everyone! I hope someone shows up soon.
Floyd: 'Scuuuuse me.
Riddle: Why are you kicking open a door that is not even unlocked!? You lack even the most common sensibilities!
Grim: Th-The sudden noises scared the stuffing outta me… Hey, you should just come in like a normal person!
Jade: It seems Floyd is causing trou… Oh? Why, the two of you look absolutely dazzling.
1. Thank you. 2. Don't be silly…
Ruggie: Are all those shining things real gemstones? What are they? From where? How many carats? Wait, do I get some too!?
Kalim: That's the Blazing Jewel outfit, right? It's pretty… But don't you think it'd be even flashier if we deck it out with even more gems!?
Silver: Kalim, we cannot do that.
Silver: If the clothes are weighed down, it would affect our dancing.
Jamil: That's not the main issue here… And now Kalim's looking like that was the perfect explanation…
Azul: These outfits are property of our esteemed academy. I would recommend returning it in the same condition you received it, without adding nor removing any decorations.
Floyd: Ahahah, both Shrimpy-chan and Seal-chan look like penguins in that getup. It's a nice change from usual.
Grim: Myaha, right? The juniors made 'em for us!
Kalim: We're gonna get our measurements now, and get to wear those same outfits during the performance, right? I'm super excited to be matching with everyone!
Ruggie: But, y'know… Grim-kun, can ya even take our measurements?
Jamil: Haha, true! Will you be able to measure our shoulder width with those little paws of yours?
Grim: Don't make fun with me! It'll be easy for me to do.
Grim: I just gotta made this measuring tape float with magic, just like Hornton and the others did earlier…
Grim: Myah!? I-It's not moving… Why's it not moving!?
Grim: But they were able to keep it moving so easily before!
Jade: Perhaps it has to do with a difference in ability. What a shame, Grim-kun. Oh, you poor thing.
Grim: Eeeeehhhh!
Riddle: Goodness… There's no need to tease him so. Grim, calm down and imagine the clothes you want to make.
Jamil: That's right. As long as you can picture what outfit you need to make, the measuring tape should move to where it needs to to get the measurements.
Azul: You have [Yuu]-san right in front of you to provide you with an example of the outfit, as well. Look at them, and try again.
Grim: Hrrrgh… That's still hard!
Ruggie: It's lookin' like it'll be quicker if [Yuu]-kun'd measure us by hand. Here, take the tape. Let's get this done with already.
Grim: What!? Then let's have a race to see who's faster, me with my magic, or my lil' hench-human with their hands!
Floyd: Mmkay, then I guess I'll play the guy who gets in both of your ways~ It ain't exciting otherwise, right?
1. This'll be rough… 2. Can I even win…?
Silver: I'll help you, [Yuu]. You've always helped me when I've needed it.
Riddle: Then, I shall help Grim with his magic. Now then, everyone line up!
Kalim: 'Kaaay. Come on, Azul, line up with us!
Azul: No, thank you, I will measure myself, so… Wah, don't push me!
[Jade pushes Azul]
Jade: Come now! We have no time to dally. Kalim-san, I hope you don't mind us squeezing in next to you.
Grim: Picture the outfit, picture the outfit… Okay, let's go! Myaaaah!
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[Sewing Room]
Ace: Hey, hey, the measuring tape is a little too slack. There's nooo way you're getting the right measurements, are you?
Grim: Stop whining! If you got a problem with it, do it yourself!
Deuce: Ouch, who just threw that measuring tape!? Oh, no… Now I've forgotten the numbers I was going to write down…!
Ortho: What an unproductive fight. How do they not tire of it when they get nothing out of something so useless?
1. I'm already used to it. 2. It's definitely something to wonder about.
Jack: Well, anyway, I know I was surprised when we walked into the sewing room and saw [Yuu] and Grim in that sharp outfit.
Grim: Yeah! Doesn't this awesome get-up totally stun ya?
Epel: Yep. The design's pretty cool, and the jewels on it are so sparkly. You guys look rad!
Sebek: Could you have possibly expressed your thoughts any less elegantly? It is a dignified attire. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that it will suit my liege well!
Ace: There goes the Draconian again… Anyway, even if we get these outfits done, that's not all there is, right? How's everyone's performance practice going?
Epel: Hehe… I'm glad you asked. Obviously, Pomefiore is absolutely ready to go.
Deuce: Pomefiore might be a tough opponent, but we're no slackers ourselves. Our song's real awesome, especially with all our voices combined!
Sebek: Hah, I doubt it is anything worthwhile. You shall all kneel before our singing, led by Malleus-sama himself!
Ortho: Haha, you're so funny. I don't think you'll be able to keep saying that once you see me and my brother's full combo.
Jack: If we're talking teamwork, then we'd be the number one contender. We'll show you all with our perfectly in-sync dancing.
Grim: Everyone's all confident in themselves, but I really don't know if they're really ready…
Grim: We gotta supervise them good, [Yuu]!
1. We got this! 2. Let's do our best!
Ace: Ey, you guys look raring to go. Just try and keep that up for the actual Blazing Jewel performance, 'kay?
Epel: You'll be cheering on Pomefiore, right? I'm counting on you!
Sebek: Absolutely not. You should give your loudest cheers for Diasomnia. You understand, right, human!?
1. Which to pick…? 2. Hard to choose…
Grim: Yeah, you're right.
Grim: I can't figure out who to pick, so we'll cheer the loudest for whoever gives me the most tuna cans. Myaha!
Jack: Don't be trying to make a deal out of this. Be fair about it.
Ortho: Heheh. I'm really excited for the performance, yeah… But I also like preparing for it with everyone like this.
Deuce: Yeah. After working so hard and so long to get ready for the performance with everyone in the dorms, it feels like the big show'll be here any day now.
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Grim: Whew, it's finally done. They were all sooo noisy.
1. That was fun.
Grim: You might've been havin' fun, but everyone kept buggin' me, so I'm pooped! Grim: If this ever happens again, I'm gonna use my magic even more to shut them all up.
2. I'm so tired…
Grim: I get it. It was all "measure this" and "measure that"… Grim: "This should be bigger", or "I want this smaller than everyone else." I'm so tired by all their little changes.
Grim: …Ah! We don't got time to hang around like this. We gotta go report to Crowley pronto.
Grim: We're so busy with all the stuff we gotta do before Blazing Jewel begins…
Grim: And even after the performance ends, there's still gonna be so much for us to do!
Grim: Let's keep doing our best, hench-human!   
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Requested by @farfalla049.
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